Case Study

Aldi Portfolio Surveys

Building Surveys

Aldi Portfolio Surveys
Aldi Portfolio Surveys

Silverstone was instructed to undertake building surveys of all of Aldi’s Scotland stores.

The commission involved surveying 79 properties across Scotland and a further 95 stores in the midlands.  We mobilised surveyors to complete all inspections within a two-week period, with all reports issued to the client within three weeks from the point of instruction.

We prepared a bespoke template for the reports, working with the client to ensure the information that we ultimately produced addressed the issues and provided the information they needed in a clear, concise format.  We then digitised these reports and commissioned a software house to produce a bespoke electronic template that we could use with iPads on site, in an efficient way.

Client : Aldi Stores

Role : Reinstatement Cost Assessment

Business Type : Owner/occupier

Size : Portfolio of 174 stores in two geographical locations 

